Storm Closure Process, Holiday Closure

Pantry Closures

Storm Closing Procedure

The closure or delayed opening of the Food Pantry during inclement weather will be made no later than two hours prior to the scheduled opening of the Pantry and independent of the Plymouth Public School System. 

If the Pantry will not be open or its opening will be delayed, the Director of the Food Pantry, or a representative, will make a reasonable effort to contact all customers scheduled to shop and all volunteers scheduled to work on that day through phone calls, emails, or texts.

Announcements will be posted on local TV stations (WFSB, WNBC, WTNH, FOX61), the Pantry’s Face Book and Webpage.  Efforts will be made to reschedule customers to shop on another day. 


Every household pantry runs low at some time.  The Plymouth Community Food Pantry is no different.  You can help us by donating some of the items listed below.  These items hardly ever change because we seldom receive them from our partner, Connecticut Foodshare.  We usually purchase them.  Your thoughtfulness is appreciated

Drop-Off Points

Plymouth Community Food Pantry

20 Dewey Ave., Terryville, Mon. & Wed. 1 hour before opening

Plymouth Volunteer Ambulance Corp.

191 Main St., Terryville, Rear Lobby

Adams Hometown Market

331 Main St. Terryville, basket by cash registers


Kids Cereal


Canned Pasta & Ravioli

Canned Soup

Baked Beans


Boxed Potatoes

Canned Fruit

Vegetable Oil

Coffee & Tea

Pancake Mix


Baked Goods Cake Mix Brownie Mix Muffin Mix Flour & Sugar

Personal Care Shampoo, Deodorant, Bar Soap, Tooth Paste

Condiments Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, Dressing 

Nutritional Drinks         Ensure/Boost Regular &    Glucose Control 

Gift Cards to Adams IGA


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