Supporting Wellness at Pantries
Supporting Wellness at Pantries
What is SWAP?
- Supporting Wellness at Pantries (SWAP) is a Stoplight Nutrition Ranking System designed to help promote healthy food choices at food banks and food pantries.
What is the goal of SWAP?
- To create an easy to implement, easy to understand nutrition ranking system to categorize the food offered in a food pantry.
What is this important?
- More than half of the families who visit food pantries have a household member with high blood pressure and one-third have a member with Type II diabetes.
- These chronic diseases can often be prevented, managed, and reversed through the foods we eat.
- This system will help patrons make healthy choices and influence the types of food donated to the pantry.
How does SWAP work?
- To rank foods, SWAP uses this information from the nutrition facts label:
- Saturated fat
- Sodium
- Sugars
Why only these nutrients?
- These nutrient are the most dangerous ones for chronic diseases.
- These are listed as “nutrients to limit” in the United States Dietary Guidelines for 2015.
Choose often; low in saturated fat, sodium and sugars; supports health
Choose sometimes; medium levels of fat, sodium or sugars; can contribute to good health
Choose rarely; high levels of fat, sodium or surgars; think of as treats; limited health benefits
As you shop, you will see Green, Yellow, and Red labels attached to the shelves. This will indicate how often those foods should be consumed. You are free to select whatever foods you wish without judgement. If you have questions as to why the rating of a particular food is a particular color, ask your volunteer to explain.
Every household pantry runs low at some time. The Plymouth Community Food Pantry is no different. You can help us by donating some of the items listed below. These items hardly ever change because we seldom receive them from our partner, Connecticut Foodshare. We usually purchase them. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated
Drop-Off Points
Plymouth Community Food Pantry
20 Dewey Ave., Terryville, Mon. & Wed. 1 hour before opening
Plymouth Volunteer Ambulance Corp.
191 Main St., Terryville, Rear Lobby
Adams Hometown Market
331 Main St. Terryville, basket by cash registers
Kids Cereal |
Oatmeal |
Canned Pasta & Ravioli |
Canned Soup |
Baked Beans |
Tuna |
Boxed Potatoes |
Canned Fruit |
Vegetable Oil |
Coffee & Tea |
Pancake Mix |
Sryup |
Baked Goods Cake Mix Brownie Mix Muffin Mix Flour & Sugar |
Personal Care Shampoo, Deodorant, Bar Soap, Tooth Paste |
Condiments Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, Dressing |
Nutritional Drinks Ensure/Boost Regular & Glucose Control |
Gift Cards to Adams IGA |
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